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Writer's pictureCassandra Saindon

Mastering the Art of Rest: Why Skipping Workouts Is Sometimes the Best Workout

At first glance, it might seem unusual for a fitness platform to offer tips on not working out. However, my primary focus is your overall well-being, recognizing that incorporating rest into your routine is crucial for sustaining your fitness journey in the long run. I've noticed from community discussions, especially on exercise guilt, that some struggle with taking necessary rest days, even when justified. Understanding how to be content with your decision to skip a workout is as vital for your well-being as consistently engaging in HIIT and strength training.

Rest is not quitting.  Rest is the thing which gives you renewed strength and gets you ready for the next level

To clarify, I want to distinguish intentional workouts from incorporating movement into your daily life. While intentional workouts involve dedicated time for activities like lifting weights or doing cardio, you can seamlessly include extra movement throughout your day for enhanced health. For instance, take a brief break during your workday to stroll around your home or office or integrate gentle stretching during downtime. I aim to break the all-or-nothing mindset, emphasizing that movement is still valuable even if it's not a formal workout.

“When you rest, you mend. When you rest, you grow."

It's important to emphasize that you don't need a specific reason or excuse to skip a workout. Regardless of your schedule's busyness, taking days off is not only valid but essential for overall well-being. We acknowledge that life may bring seasons where intentional workouts aren't part of your daily routine, and that's perfectly valid.

For those who find it challenging to skip workouts, we've compiled a list of valid reasons not to work out:

  1. Doctor's Orders: Medical advice to abstain from exercise due to injury, postpartum, or other health reasons.

  2. Rest Day: Indicators like prolonged workout absence suggest it's time for a much-needed rest day.

  3. Excessive Soreness: If a specific body part is sore, it's crucial to allow for adequate recovery.

  4. Illness: While some exercise can aid recovery, it's vital to rest during serious illness.

  5. Exercise Addiction: A compulsive need for exercise may require a break and potential mental health support.

  6. Sleep Deprived: Regular lack of sleep affects your body's ability to function optimally.

  7. Burnout: Feeling overwhelmed and unable to enjoy workouts may signal burnout.

  8. Vacation: It's perfectly acceptable to skip workouts during vacations; rest is part of the experience.

  9. Legitimately No Time: Occasional hectic schedules may warrant a break from working out.

To ease the emotional struggle of not working out, consider these strategies:

  1. Remind Yourself of Your Why: Reconnect with the purpose behind taking a rest day.

  2. Build Up Your Resiliency Toolbox: Explore diverse coping mechanisms to manage stress.

  3. Switch Things Up: Break away from routine by placing yourself in novel surroundings.

  4. Plan Your Rest Days: Schedule rest days just as you plan workouts to hold yourself accountable.

  5. Revisit Your Expectations: Be flexible with your expectations and acknowledge the importance of recovery in any exercise routine.

Taking a day off is just as crucial as your workout days. Share in the comments what strategies have helped you embrace rest days.

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