I hop right in the shower first thing. While I'm waiting for the water to heat up, I splash all that cold water on my face to help wake me up and reduce my puffy eyes. After my shower I drink a full glass of water while coffee maker heats up, brew my teecino, meditate while my face gets red light therapy, do my hair/makeup, then off to teach class or walk if it's a day off. Once I'm back, then it's coffee time, wake up kiddos and get them off to school and then I finally break my fast with miso and fruit...sometimes toast if I need a bit something more.
I hop right in the shower first thing. While I'm waiting for the water to heat up, I splash all that cold water on my face to help wake me up and reduce my puffy eyes. After my shower I drink a full glass of water while coffee maker heats up, brew my teecino, meditate while my face gets red light therapy, do my hair/makeup, then off to teach class or walk if it's a day off. Once I'm back, then it's coffee time, wake up kiddos and get them off to school and then I finally break my fast with miso and fruit...sometimes toast if I need a bit something more.